Good to Grow

These past few months have been a bit of a revelation. By doing my regular little info spots and with the fab interactions within the wild kids famalam, I have really been inspired by how imaginative everybody is when it comes to repurposing and utilising so many different everyday object to get a little bit of growing action going in a small space.

This also comes down to how to get your seeds. I’m a big fan of experimenting with the seeds I collect from all the fruits and veggies from the meals prepared during the week. I can get a little over exuberant and we end up with 500 Capsicum peppers growing on the kitchen window sill but I still get a thrill when the seeds germinate and start even if for some its short lived before going into the compost bin.

I am also a big fan of buying herbs in pots from the supermarket and like to see how long I can keep the plant going before its time to return it to the compost.


The virtues of the small.


It’s Super Simple